Electronic Music Course – Specialist Module | Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia


Electronic Music Course – Specialist Module – Augmented instruments

It is aimed at expert students who intend to deepen and specialize on advanced aspects of electronic music, through a personalized course of study. The course specially favors meant to help students who have already developed a creative activity with electronic means and adequately master musical computer science and electro-acoustic technologies. The topics covered change from year to year and make use of innovative studies and international resources in the field of contemporary creation and communication.

The course, lasting one year, is divided into monthly sessions; each student is entitled to 12 hours of individual lessons, 3 of which of a workshop nature, and to participate in the lessons of the other students of the course, either in presence or in remote mode.

The lessons will be held in the Paolo Ketoff Studio, at the Auditorium “Parco della Musica – Ennio Morricone” in Rome, or in another location within the Santa Cecilia National Academy.

Musicians may be also involved during workshop activities.

The completion of the course involves the creation of an original composition and/or experimental thesis on the topic dealt with in the course, and a Certificate of Merit will be issued from Santa Cecilia National Academy, subject to regular participation in the scheduled lessons and artistic activities.

Course Teacher

Michelangelo Lupone

Composer. Artistic director of the CRM (Centre for Music Research) in Rome. His activity is distinguished by the interdisciplinary approach that has allowed him to direct his artistic research towards integrated art forms by combining the need for innovation of the musical language with scientific thought. His music includes works for solo instruments, ensemble, orchestra, and electronic music.


Admission requirements – Specialist Module

  • Age not older than 35 years old;
  • Conservatory Diploma (old system) or 1st or 2nd level Diploma in Electronic Music, or Diploma in the Composition Master Course of the Santa Cecilia National Academy, or specific skills as required for the course and specified in the curriculum.

Exceptions to the aforementioned requirements may be allowed, in the presence of proven skills and/or students who present a previous creative activity in the specific field. The admission, as active students, is subject to passing an admission exam that will take place online, according to the indications in the paragraph “Admission exams”.


Applications for admission – Specialist Module

Applications for admission, written online by filling out the form at the following link: https://santacecilia.it/alta-formazione/form-di-iscrizione-corsi-di-perfezionamento, they must be received by October 16, 2024. The notification sent by the Academy will be considered valid.


The following documents will be attached to the online application:

  • Diploma certificate or request for any exception referring to the curriculum;
  • Artistic curriculum with the specification of the works made;
  • Photocopy of passport or identity document;
  • Exam program chosen by the candidate (title of the work presented);
  • The payment receipt of the admission fee to the exam.


Program of the admission exam – Specialist address

  • Presentation of an electro-acoustic composition;
  • Oral assessment of skills in the disciplines of the course.

Candidates must send the score of the work they intend to present for the exam in PDF format; it is also possible to attach any recordings of the same compositions, if available.

The scores and any recordings must be sent via WeTransfer to the e-mail address didattica@santacecilia.it by October 16, 2024.


Entrance examinations will be held at the Academy’s headquarters at Via Vittoria 6 (Rome) the 13 November 2024.

The candidates shall appear at the examination bearing a valid identification document, as well as the musical material for their examination programme.

The results of the entrance exams will be communicated on the same day.

No supplementary exam session are foreseen.

In the presence of a number of suitable candidates greater than the available places, those who have achieved the highest marks in the admission exams will be admitted to the course.

Decisions made by Examination Panels are final and indisputable.

Course Summary Outline for the Academic Year 2024 – 2025

Electronic Music Course Specialist Module – Augmented instruments
Duration November 2023 – June 2024
Max number of students 4 – four
Access requirements Conservatory Diploma in Electronic Music (old system); or level I or II Diploma in Electronic Music, or Diploma of the Composition Master Course (ANSC), or proven skills in the disciplines of the course.
Entrance test Presentation of an electro-acoustic composition with oral verification of skills in the disciplines of the course.
Type of lesson Individual in person and remote group participation
Treatment Compositional theory and practice with algorithmic design and implementation
Final test Original composition and/or experimental thesis on the topic of the course.
Lesson hours per student 12 – twelve
Workshop hours per student – support for the achievement of the original composition and/or the experimental thesis 3 – three hours are held in the Paolo Ketoff Studio, also with possible instrumentalists, or in another location set up for the purpose.


Study plan – Topics Year 2023-24
Acoustic and vibrational analysis of musical instruments
Sensor detection and musical applications
Extended playing techniques
Algorithmic design and implementation
Original composition and/or experimental thesis
Reference bibliography – Year 2023-24
Neville H. Fletcher, Thomas D. Rossing, The Physics of Musical Instruments, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991
Harry F. Olson, Music, Physics and Engineering, Dover Publication, New York, 1967
Arthur H. Benade, Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics, Dover Publications, 1990
Renato Spagnolo, Acustica, UTET, Novara, 2015
Lecture notes by the teacher


N.B. Students must have a computer of class i7 or higher to do the music design and production work.

The working platforms used in the course are Pure Data, Max/MSP, Faust.

References to programming languages (C, C++, Python), to the Linux operating system and to systems based on Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) technology are considered and possibly applied based on the specifications of the original Composition and/or of the experimental thesis.


Examination and attendance fees

  • € 50,00 entrance examination;
  • € 1.500,00 yearly attendance.

All payments, specifying as reason “Electronic Music Course – Specialist Module” may be made via:

  • postal account payment
    30406003, made out to Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia – Fondazione
  • wire transfer
    c/c n. 9872, made out to Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia – Fondazione
    Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) Agenzia n. 6340 di Roma, Via del Corso, 471
    IBAN: IT31 I 010 0503 2400 0000 0009 872
  • Paypal on Fondazione’s website at this link https://santacecilia.it/alta-formazione/paypal

The receipt of the payment for attendance should be sent to the academic office (Segreteria Didattica) before the start of classes.

Students in arrears with their course tuition and examination fees will not be admitted to lessons or to examinations.

Students may pay the attendance fee in two instalments of equal amount, the second of which is to be paid by no later than 01 March.

Withdrawal from the course shall not entitle the student to be refunded what was paid.


Information and contacts

Academic office (Segreteria Didattica)

Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Via Vittoria, 6 – 00187 Roma
Tel: +39 0632817.348 – 321 – 305
E-mail: didattica@santacecilia.it

Please forward all requests and communications by e-mail to the academic office (Segreteria Didattica), specifying the purpose of the request for quicker handling.

Certificates of attendance or other kind of certificates can be requested by the form:
