Augmented Piano / Ghraichy / Baboni Schilingi | Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

piano Simon Ghraichy
live computer Jacopo Baboni Schilingi

Electroacoustic incipit

Bach/Liszt Prelude and Fuegue in A minor BWV 543 

Electoacoustic interlude

Liszt Sonata in B minor

Electoacoustic interlude

Baboni Schilingi – Sonata for piano and live computer world premiere, commission by Accademia di Santa Cecilia


in collaboration with



Performance for piano and electronics that blends three centuries of music, from Bach to Liszt, with the world premiere of Baboni Schilingi’s sonata. Pianist Simon Ghraichy and composer Baboni Schilingi form a duo that explores and nurtures the “human/machine” relationship and the potential connections between human intelligence [both rational and emotional] and computer algorithms [or artificial intelligence]. Simon Ghraichy is equipped with a set of interactive sensors through which his gestures and breathing generate electroacoustic interludes: true metamorphoses between different pieces in the repertoire. In Baboni Schilingi’s sonata, these sensors create an interactive dialogue between the piano and the computer. This dialogue is visible through the projection of a video, synthetic images, projected on a large screen, generated [in real-time] following the breathing of pianist Simon Ghraichy.

Dates and times
November 2023
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