Horn | Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

Course Objectives and Duration

In-depth study of horn technique, solo repertoire, and orchestra excerpts.

The course is organized over a three-year period (exceptions may be permitted) with lessons scheduled, indicatively, between October and July.

The course is normally divided into monthly sessions, during which each student is entitled to 10 hours of individual lessons, 3 of which with the collaboration of a pianist, and to participate in collective activities organized during the academic year, including mock auditions and end-of-year concerts at the Auditorium Parco della Musica, and, for the most deserving, opportunities for involvement in the Academy’s artistic activities.

At the end of each year, a certificate of attendance will be issued, subject to regular participation in at least 60% of the scheduled lessons; at the end of the three-year period a Certificate of Merit will be issued from Santa Cecilia National Academy.

Confirmation for the following year (2st or 3nd)  takes place through the annual entrance examination.

Course Teacher

Guglielmo Pellarin

First Horn in the Santa Cecilia National Academy Orchestra, Guglielmo Pellarin received his early music education within his family, taught by his oboist father and his pianist mother.

Course structure


Admission requirements

  • The course is open to Italian and foreign citizens of any nationality no more than 30 years of age.
  • Candidates must be in possession of a Conservatory (old system) Diploma or a 1st or 2nd level Academic Diploma in Horn.

Exceptions to the aforementioned requirements may be allowed in exceptional cases, in the presence of particular and recognized artistic qualities and subject to evaluation and approval by the examination board.

The admission, as active students, is subject to passing an entrance exam according to the indications in the paragraph “Admission exams”.

Applications for admission

Applications for admission, written online by filling out the form at the following link: https://santacecilia.it/alta-formazione/form-di-iscrizione-corsi-di-perfezionamento, must be received no later than October 5th, 2024. Proof of the application having been successfully sent will consist of the e-mail sent by the Academy.

The following documents must be attached to the online application:

  • Diploma certificate;
  • Artistic curriculum with repertoire;
  • Photocopy of passport or identity document;
  • Exam program chosen by the candidate;
  • Proof of payment of the admission fee.

Admission exam program

  • The first movement of a Concerto or Sonata for horn at the candidate’s choice;
  • Two orchestra excerpts at the candidate’s choice.

Admission Exams

Entrance examinations will be held at the Academy’s headquarters at Via Vittoria 6 (Rome) the 25 October 2024.

The candidates shall appear at the examination bearing a valid identification document, as well as the musical material for their examination programme, including the scores for the pianist; the Academy will provide applicants with a piano accompanist.

The Examination Panel may ask the candidates to perform all or part of the programme. The results of the entrance exams will be communicated on the same day.

No supplementary exam session are foreseen.

Decisions made by Examination Panels are final and indisputable


For admission exam and attendance

  • € 50,00 admission exam;
  • € 1.200,00 annual frequency.


All payments can be made, indicating in the description “Horn Course”, by:

  • Postal payment
    c/c n° 30406003 in the name of the Santa Cecilia National Academy – Foundation
  • Bank transfer
    c/c n. 9872 in the name of the Santa Cecilia National Academy – Foundation
    Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) Agency n. 6340 of Rome, Via del Corso, 471
    IBAN: IT31 I 010 0503 2400 0000 0009 872
  • Paypal on the Foundation’s website (https://santacecilia.it/alta-formazione/paypal/)

The receipt of the payment for attendance should be sent to the academic office (Segreteria Didattica) before the start of classes.

Students in arrears with their course tuition and examination fees will not be admitted to lessons or to examinations.

Students may pay the attendance fee in two instalments of equal amount, the second of which is to be paid by no later than 01 March.

Withdrawal from the course shall not entitle the student to be refunded what was paid.

Information and contacts

Academic office (Segreteria Didattica)

Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Via Vittoria, 6 – 00187 Roma
Tel: +39 0632817.348 – 321 – 305
E-mail: didattica@santacecilia.it

Please forward all requests and communications by e-mail to the academic office (Segreteria Didattica), specifying the purpose of the request for quicker handling.

Certificates of attendance or other kind of certificates can be requested by the form:
