Spreading Musical Art

Since its foundation, the Santa Cecilia Academy has pursued the diffusion of Music in all its aspects, from public concert performance to professional musical training and the education of the community.

It is a commitment that began with the creation of the Music Lyceum and continued with the progressive increase in teaching activities that brought the Accademia the recognition for its pre-eminent role in advanced musical training with the official institution of its master courses.

Today, studying at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia means choosing to work with instructors and professionals of undisputed artistic value and renown who are able to inspire, guide and develop the talent and the musical personality of each student. It also means choosing the opportunity to complete one’s training in the heart of an institution that produces music at the highest level every day, in an environment rich in artistic and cultural incentives that offers constant contact with the professional dimensions of music-making.

Last but not least, it means having one’s own talent valued and recognized with prizes and scholarships, and with the opportunity to participate in artistic projects of national and international scope.

2024 Sponsor


Master Courses in Music Studies

Electronic Music Course

Master Courses for Orchestral Instruments

Contact us


Information Point

Segreteria didattica
Via Vittoria, 6 – I 00187 Roma
tel: +39 0632817321 – 348
fax: +39 0632817366
e-mail: didattica@santacecilia.it