What is the “Art Bonus”?

The Decree 83/2014
Decree 83/2014 introduced the so-called “Art Bonus” for charitable donations; starting in 2015, this bonus was extended to contributions by natural and legal persons for the support, among other things, of opera/symphonic foundations, which also includes Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.
Initially limited to a three-year period, the benefit became permanent with the 2016 Stability Law.
How to benefit
The credit may be subdivided into three yearly instalments of an equal amount, and is to be used in compensation with the ordinary rules.
To benefit, the taxpayer need only submit a declaration in lieu of affidavit (dichiarazione sostitutiva dell’atto di notorietà) to the Ministry of Heritage, Cultural Activity and Tourism (Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo) of the payments made to interventions and activities in favour of the cultural, musical, and performance heritage to which the benefits refer.
Parameters and exceptions
Limits differ by category of taxpayers:
– top limit of 15 percent of taxable income for private parties,
– top limit of 5 per thousand of yearly revenue for parties with corporate income
The credit is not relevant for the purposes of income taxes and the regional tax on productive activity (IRAP), and is not subject to the yearly use limits provided for by the 2008 financial law (maximum yearly ceiling of € 250,000), or to the maximum limits of compensation of tax debts and credits.
The benefit is reserved for citizens with tax residence in Italy.
For more information
Call 06 80242383 or e-mail sostieni@santacecilia.it