Advanced Training Courses

The Advanced Training Courses are post-graduate courses aimed at instrumentalists in possession of outstanding playing qualities who want to pursue a professional career in music. The courses are taught by the Principals of the Orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.

The course duration of each course is one academic year.

These courses are not aimed at obtaining a Diploma; upon completion of the course, and provided regular attendance of lessons and artistic activities, a certificate of attendance will be issued upon request. Particularly deserving students may be involved in artistic activities organized during the year, such as, for example, the participation in the concerts of the Ensemble Novecento.


Contact us

Segreteria didattica Alta Formazione

Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Via Vittoria, 6 – I 00187 Roma
tel: +39 0632817321 – 348 – 305
fax: +39 0632817366

Our Advanced Training Courses

Regulations will be available soon


Viola Teacher Simone Briatore

Flute Teacher Andrea Oliva

Clarinet Teacher Alessandro Carbonare

Oboe Teacher Francesco Di Rosa

Bassoon Teacher Andrea Zucco 

Trumpet Teacher Andrea Lucchi

Trombone Teacher Andrea Conti 

Horn Teacher Guglielmo Pellarin

Timpani Teacher Antonio Catone

Percussion Teacher Edoardo Giachino